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Where can I see the rates?
You will need to login to website to see the new rates.


What does global commission rate means? How this will work?
Global commission rate means 1 rate/1000 captcha for entire 24 hours.

You can check it also in your account under "INFORMATION" menu.
Check this link for more details:

How much you will pay me? 
Paysheet will be processed every week on Friday. We will send all payment to you as we did before.

Does the minimum 800 captcha quota/per week still applies?
Yes it does. You need to complete minimum 800 captchas per week to receive payment.
If they do not meet the minimum quota limit, they will not be paid.

What is the benefit of enforcing this option?

You will no longer have to maintain excel sheet for calculation. This option will allow your team to view their hourly rate and payment details. They will be able to calculate how much they solved and earned every week.

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